Tuesday, February 28, 2006
An idiot about scuplture
is what I am when I look at it. Maybe Wendy White can help me understand better. The thing below looks like something I could pull off and clutter up my yard with. But I would have to burn it on the solar solstice because Hom tells me to.  more sculpture info/blogs/images needed
Posted by ME ::
11:55 AM ::
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Sunday, February 26, 2006
Painter NYC is offended by nudes
Look at these wonderfully delicious (pun intended) nudes by Will Cotton. Painter NYC refuses to show them because the nude figure is Satans work. Now childhood fantasies of chocalate factories and ice cream hamlets are shattered by the fear of demonic possession if you fall victim to Satans spell. We embrace all that is indulgent here at Regi's place so here are the sinful nudes. See more of Will Cotton at his website. Isn't she delicious?

Posted by ME ::
3:53 PM ::
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Sunday, February 19, 2006
I am Curious (Yellow)
Swedish director Vilgot Sjöman was given free reign to make a movie, he made the movie that eliminated obscenity laws and brought artistic freedoms never seen before in film. I am Curious (Yellow) is the biequal to I am Curious (blue), although the yellow version was released in 1967 and the blue version in 1968. The film is a docudrama about the political and social turmoil of late 1960's Sweden but the topics discussed have global significance for the era. After its Swedish release the film would be confiscated by American customs and put on trial for being obscene and not to be viewed by American audiences. The film won in court and laws against this form of speech were nullified. The film is in Swedish with English subtitles and in black and white.
Director Vilgot Sjöman appears as himself in the film that is not intended to have a script. Lena Nyman plays herself as an aspiring 22 year old drama student. Vilgot contemplates documenting the political affairs of the day but Lena wants to explore her sexuality, she has no interest in politics. In this scene she points out the male drama student (Börje) in the audience of a political student rally with whom she would like to have a "quickie" with but Vilgot has other plans for the film.
Lena begins the documentary be interviewing people about the issues of the day. Economic differences amongs't Swedes is tackled by interviewing various economic groups all of whom claim there is no class system. People in the lower classes are in denial of their position and people in higher classes are indifferent to the issue.
The future prime minister of Sweden allows an interview by the director. He acknowledges economic differences in people and offers encouragment to change the satus quo. He also correctly forshadows the world's opinion about a progressive minded Sweden resulting from this film. Unaware to him, the Swedes will be seen as hyper-erotic, nontraditional, revolutionary by an American audience. Lena continues to be bored by the director's documentary and teases him sexually to entertain herself.
During the public interviews Lena goes to the airport and questions Swedish tourists to Spain. The tourists are indifferent to the Franco dictatorship and indifferent to a violent society at their doorstep. A discussion on violent societies leads to Lena's attraction to Martin Luther King Jr's (fictitious) interview with the director about non-violent means to change society.
In Lena's mind the state proposes a non-violent military and monthly non-violent excercises for Swedes. In this scene draftees practise stopping an enemy train by laying on the tracks.
Lena turns her room into a propaganda institute. The first sexual encounter between Lena and her male selection, Börje, occurs here 40 minutes into the film. Barely visible full male nudity is seen in cinema for the first time.
Lena goes on a retreat into the country and experiments with popular alternative lifestyles first appearing in the 60's ; voluntary simplicity, vegatarianism, social nudity, yoga.
Lena educates herself about sexual activities and thus joins the sexual revolution.
Börje joins her in the country and she dominates him because of her newly found education. This scene appears after a barely visible cunnilingus scene. The director testified in court that actual fellatio did not occur. Another first for cinema.
The couple continue to have sex but it is interupted when they fight over why Börje won't leave his real girlfriend. Fully visible male and female nudity challenges the court to an acceptable opinion.
In a dream sequence Lena ties men to a tree and shoots Börje.
She then takes a knife and castrates him.
Her act of violence makes her confront her previous ambition to practise non-violent means followed by Martin Luther King jr. In this scene she tells him she will not follow him anymore. A broken heart has overcome better judgment.
All her escapes were not to be without consequences. Vilgot offers us a moral ending. Lena and Börje become infected with scabies and have to be treated at the hospital. Suddenly the glimpses of nudity throughout the film seem sexually devoid and a real experience for us as we watch with understanding acceptance of our human frailty.
The follow up film, I am curious (blue) , shows the significance that scabies had throughout the making of the film. After completing this film the director wrote a memoir about his moral conflicts.
Posted by ME ::
1:26 PM ::
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Thursday, February 16, 2006

No more Mr nice guy Everyone must start harrassing Artnet by calling them constantly so their phones dont function. Tell everyone to start protesting now! 212 497-9700 Natalie Frank is no ones whore. Sexism will not be tolerated Finch must be fired
Finch news
Posted by ME ::
1:19 PM ::
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Wednesday, February 15, 2006
My Valentines day present
My wife finally has taken the time to understand my interests, strange as they maybe. I got this book of a mystery painter (not a mystery to me). It is only available at the museum that focuses on his efforts. I think I resemble him a little.
Oh look! He makes his own frames. There is a soft spot in my heart for framemakers and wood crafters. I was supposed to inherit my grandfathers cabinetmaking hobby stuff but my asshole Uncle took them for himself.
Some of his work

 My grandparents would like this stuff and I dont see why this stuff is labeled old fashioned and not as popular today as it was. Painting has its genres and NOT superior-contemporary/ inferior-archaic styles.
Posted by ME ::
1:03 PM ::
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Saturday, February 11, 2006
A Romantic Dinner Awaits You
 I don't know if the four star White Castle in your neighborhood offers a romantic Valentines dinner for two so I'll bring my own romantic tablesetting to make your Valentines the most special Valentines imaginable. You'll be serenaded to your favorite romantic song in my songbook in my swoonfully sensual Gilbert Gottfried voice. On bended knee I'll present you with a dozen wilted roses. And afterwards will stroll down 8th avenue passing gas until the wee hours of the morning.
Meet me at the White Castle at 7pm on the 14th at 525 8th avenue for the dinner of your dreams.

Posted by ME ::
1:30 PM ::
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Wednesday, February 08, 2006
Superbitch Magazine

Detroit's old school heavy metal, rap with a little punk for flavor mag topped off by superbitches. Their bloggy thing: www.myspace.com/superbitchmagazine and www.punkrockchicks.com
Posted by ME ::
3:05 PM ::
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Visible Cruella

Dearborn's very own Kristin W., the Punk-Goth temptress of the motor city.
website: visiblecruella.com There might be some nudity on her site.
Posted by ME ::
2:38 PM ::
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Ulorin Vex

Britain's Christiane S., Femme Fatale of the Queen's latex realm.
website: www.ulorinvex.com There might be some nudity on this website.
Posted by ME ::
2:32 PM ::
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Tuesday, February 07, 2006
 Royal Oak's very own Emily S. tempts Detroit as Vivid. www.projectvivid.com www.myspace.com/pinkenvy
Posted by ME ::
12:32 PM ::
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Sunday, February 05, 2006
Congratulations Mountain Man
I was google image searching today and I found this blog. Everyone appreciates another art blog on the internet thingy! And I liked the simplicity of the presentation of the art instead of art websites that clutter up everything. Anyway it turns out that other people like art too and have found the blog. And surprise surprise I see mountain man there chatting away.
But then I come to a realization, this internets thingy is smaller than I originally thought it was-limitless. So if its limitless and boundaryless and growing perpetually than why have I been able to bump into mountain man unexpectedly? I ask myself.
The answer is and I'm not reconsidering this hypothesis, mountain man is everywhere on the internets thingy because mountain man is a God!! I know, I know this idea is hard to believe but I sincerly believe its true. We are all in the presence of a God and some of us know him personally, all too personally. I'm having a breathless moment.
Or maybe mountain man is influenced by the Goddess Saraswati, the goddess of learning, knowledge and wisdom and much more. I sense alot of feminine kharma coming from mountain man so that explains a goddess influence and not a god influence. But I'm sure mountain man yearns for conquering the beasts of the mountain as all men of the mountains do too.
Regardless of the nature of mountain man or the explanation for why mountain man is everywhere on this internet thingy, mountain man deserves an award-a title.
Congratulations!Mountain Man- Goddess Saraswati of the internets thingy, painting, writing, occasional indulgences from the decanter, inspiration omnipresent.  Substitute the held symbols above with a brush, pen, keyboard, decanter and crown it with something inspirational (mountain man's choice) and Goddess Saraswati walks the streets of Manhattan! Mountain Man is entitled to a Saraswati button for wearing from the local Hindu import shop.
Posted by ME ::
3:44 PM ::
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