Reginald Primrose

Hippie love child, punk teenager, pre mid-life crisis victim

I shall the effect of this good lesson keep, As watchman to my heart. But, good my brother, Do not, as some ungracious pastors do, Show me the steep and thorny way to heaven; Whiles, like a puff'd and reckless libertine, Himself the primrose path of dalliance treads, And recks not his own rede.

Thursday, August 03, 2006

My first piece for my art collection

"Green" by Wendy White (She's groovy)

The karmic energy fields twisted and turned and brought an artist I know to my area without any kind of planning or anything from me. And I just had to visit and I couldn't contain myself so I brought this piece of art home. Its my first lifetime adoption of art. Im hoping that it will bring forth some creative mojo in myself.

I like the big W, this artist must be a fan of the President as am I, so much so that I send him "souvenirs of fidelity", they're brown and sloppy. I also like the ball in the bag, it makes me think of testicles or ovaries or maybe some other notion will come to mind. I like the shape of the thing, it reminds me of an earlobe and those things hanging down are ear rings, ornaments of a person's tastes. In the center is a piece of a plastic fish tank plant. I want to release it from its containment by electrical tape, the plant is sad to be contained and apart from the other ornaments. There is also a military ID tag, a person's last remains, this is a sad statement.

Now I am sad because of all this containment but the colors are happy. Yellow is happy. Red is happy. And green screams, "notice me everyone Im green!".

This is just my first impression. Often new adoptions impact an owner differently the more time we spend together so Im sure this piece of art has more to say. Boy, would a photo of the artist be great to have too! ;-)

Here I am looking fat with my new adoption.

Here is Nolan from the gallery where it came from. Picking up the piece from him was a little too anti-climatic but I appreciate him including his wife in experiencing the adoption.

Posted by ME :: 2:59 PM :: (full post) 0 comments

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