Reginald Primrose

Hippie love child, punk teenager, pre mid-life crisis victim

I shall the effect of this good lesson keep, As watchman to my heart. But, good my brother, Do not, as some ungracious pastors do, Show me the steep and thorny way to heaven; Whiles, like a puff'd and reckless libertine, Himself the primrose path of dalliance treads, And recks not his own rede.

Thursday, January 19, 2006


Another 20 something woman has decided to explore her sexuality and share it with all of us on the web. Possibly our computer monitors transmit signals that cause us to lose our inhibitions. Or maybe the internet is a vast conspiracy by Satan's minions to damn us to Hell. I like her personal transformation from an average looking woman to a feminine-masculaine archetype complete with tattoos resembling ovaries on her abdomin. Will her lifestory become a tragic comedy or a liberated ideal?

Feminism Without Clothes

She also explores menstruation at
See Candy Bleed

Websites contain nudity

My favorite Candy photos

more girls girls girls

Posted by ME :: 6:13 PM :: (full post) 1 comments

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