Reginald Primrose

Hippie love child, punk teenager, pre mid-life crisis victim

I shall the effect of this good lesson keep, As watchman to my heart. But, good my brother, Do not, as some ungracious pastors do, Show me the steep and thorny way to heaven; Whiles, like a puff'd and reckless libertine, Himself the primrose path of dalliance treads, And recks not his own rede.

Thursday, May 05, 2005

Walk away from Larry Harvey

For years the Burning Man cult has been following their cult leader Larry Harvey. The leader’s contempt for everything that doesn’t taste, smell, feel, etc of his holiness Larry grows day by day by day by day. And so in disgust the cultists have engaged upon ANOTHER revolt for reform within the Burning Man cult by creating the Borg2. Reform of Burning Man by the Borg2 might happen but only for a short spell of badly needed artistic liberation. True fairness, liberation and evolution of artistic minds will only come when all those freedom starving artists break their bonds with their master and declare that Burning Man is not an annual event of the organizer but a state of conciseness of everyone and no one.

If Burning Man is to survive it must be liberated from its current institution. Any institution that preaches that is not something but in practice actually is that something is on the path to self destruction. Anti-consumer yesterday, gift shop today. Merely a facilitator of artistic expression yesterday, arbiter of artistic expression today. Spontaneous free for all yesterday, restrictively controlled-planned pay and pay and pay some more today. Failings of sincerity and genuineness chip away at the rock until it is no more.

A liberation movement must begin in earnest. In this new age of artistic exploration the Burning Man name must be abandon because it is the property of a LLC. Christianity is not the legally recognized property of anyone or group and so “Burning man” shouldn’t be as well. The “Burning Man” symbol must become the property of everyone or no one in unlimited form and meaning. The ritual of the “Burning Man” must be evolutionary and unlimited in its form, scope and interpretation. The “Burning Man cult” must evolve into the “culture of expressing all that is humanity and is not”, and not limit itself by time, geography, participants and substance.

Blogs devoted to Burning Man= 0
The cult promised people liberation of the artistic soul and the people unknowingly became servants to an artistic DemiGod and so don't feel the need to create "their Burning Man" on the Blogosphere.

Posted by ME :: 6:22 PM :: (full post) 0 comments

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